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Saturday, September 24, 2016

Why I'm Loving Open-Notebook Quizzes

Two (almost) full weeks into this school year, and I am loving my decision to give weekly open-notebook quizzes.

  • Students are actually using their notebooks. I see them flipping back and forth to find helpful information. I see them doing this duirng quizzes. During class work. I have to believe that they're doing it for the homework, too.*
  • Students are bringing their notebooks to class regularly. I only have one or two students who "forgot" to bring their notebook to class so far. I think they're learning pretty quickly that having the notebook is necessary for success. 
  • Quiz grades are good to great so far! That makes everyone feel good and willing to keep trying. Nothing breeds success like success. 
  • I feel comfortable giving a different kind of help during quizzes. I can remind students to look in their notebook for help. I can point them to a certain part of their notes for help. I can clarify directions by pointing to something they they have written down in their notebooks!
And the big one....
  • Quizzes have become learning opportunities just as much as they are assessment opportunities. 
I call this success! It's great to feel like I'm doing the right thing. The time we're investing in creating these Interactive Notebooks is worth it

*Unless they're just copying someone else's homework. I'm still working on a way to combat that, while also struggling to decide if it's even worth it since so many studies say there's no point to homework anyway. But more on this another time.

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